Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Human Nature

Can't intake any food this morning due to endoscope. Why not to eat, more I want to eat...when you told not to do, you do more. People stop you to love that person…wants to have that person more. People are like tree frog* (it korean metaphor)~ Stop you becoming singer, wants to be the singer…perhaps if stop me to get school educations what I became by now~


  1. Good job with the translation. I compare mine with yours to study Korean. Should have paid better attention growing up. Somebody should have told me not to study Korean...

  2. @frecklefacedajumma: Your Korean translation is really good. Not sure I mentioned before…I don't speak Korean at home due to married non-korean. Only speak everyday Korean language to my parents. I have a hard time translating Korean Urban slang words tho…
    Korean word changed a lot since my parents moved to States my early teen year.

    Before…I don't have any reason to translate Korean till I met wonder non-Korean speaking people from Ssangchu Heaven & twitter…so you and I together…we can help fans of Joongbo!

    Thank you for leaving comment on the shesaysblog!

  3. fracklefaceahjumha .. what LvK said is true both of you can help to supplement each other, you both can sharpen your korean, while us your sibling from sssangchu heaven can understand those interesting video ect ... hehehe its a win win situation ... welcome and super thank you to both of you .. lets rock..
